Charity Profile
Newfound Foundation is a registered charitable foundation established by Newfound Riders and incorporated in 2006.
The objective of the foundation is to help children in need, in particular those many children and families who do not meet specific criteria for assistance
by other organizations and end up with unmet needs. The Newfound Foundation offer assistance to these children and their families.
Some examples of
how our Foundation and ultimately Newfound Riders support children in need include:
- Providing transportation, meals, and accommodation costs for both in and out-of-province medical treatment(s);
- Paying for medical devices, supplies and equipment that is purchased or rented;
- Covering the cost of medication where there may be no provincial or private insurance plan coverage available.
Funding Guidelines
Newfound Foundation is strictly a "Children's Charity" and our mandate is to provide assistance to children and families who are facing financial hardship, due to illness of a child.
We strive to help lessen the financial burden placed on families when they need it the most.
Recipients of the funds are identified through the Outreach and Social Work Division of the Janeway Hospital
where Provincial Social Workers, work directly with the families in need. In turn, the request is sent to our Foundation where approval of funds are handled. The need for funding, including the names of children, parents or guardians
is strictly confidential and held in the upmost trust.
Charity Profile
The Newfound Riders are the primary supporters of the Newfound Foundation. It sponsors an annual motorcycle draw, the proceeds of which are passed to the Newfound Foundation for dissemination to children and families.
Since our incorporation in 2006, we have helped many families in need in our province, some through larger donations and other through small acts of kindness.